But remember NOT TO THROW AWAY the skin! The skin is what yields that deep purple color in this concord grape jelly recipe (concord grape jam). The pulp inside will pop right out from the stem end of the grape.
How to separate the skin from the grape pulpĪll you need to do is just pinch one end of the grape (opposite from the stem) and squeeze. This can be a tad time consuming, but it’s absolutely worth it in my opinion. While this works for concord grapes without seeds, I’ve found that separating the skin from the grapes first makes it easier to remove the seeds. Some recipes swear by cooking the concord grapes whole, with the skin. How to remove grape seeds when making concord grape jelly But the good news is that there are several ways to remove the seeds from the grapes, and any which way is fine, as long as it gets the job done. There are some varieties without seeds too, but I haven’t come across those yet. However, the only problem with these grapes when it comes to making jelly or jam is the seeds. Making concord grape jelly (concord grape jam) is really easy. This happy accident however, made me fall in love with concord grapes all over again. And as it turned out, we had a concord grape vine in our backyard in New Zealand, except we didn’t know what it was! Just that the grapes tasted delicious, and I couldn’t stop eating ’em! So I’ve been eating concord grapes and loving them since I was a kid, I just had no idea! 🙂 The “first” time I tasted concord grapes not too long ago, was a complete sensory memory experience for me! I suddenly had this memory of me as a kid devouring grapes that tasted exactly like that. Once I actually tasted grape jelly, I couldn’t get enough of it! But you know, as the saying goes, don’t judge a jelly by its fruit (what, that’s not a saying?). Jelly (or jam) made out of grapes, slathered on my toast, never seemed like the most appealing thing in the world to me. Probably because I didn’t eat PB & J until I was an adult! Same goes for grape jelly. I never quite understood the lure of PB & J. Perfectly tart and sweet, this homemade Concord Grape Jelly recipe (Concord Grape Jam) is delicious on everything from toast to crumpets to pancakes and PB & J sandwiches, or to just eat straight out of the jar! This concord grape jelly recipe is easy to make, and a great way to use up that extra couple of punnets of grapes this Fall!